By Gerard Cunningham
Almost half the Irish population claim to be fluent in the Irish language, according to a survey commissioned during Seactain na Gaeilge.
Just under half (47 percent) of those questioned said they could speak Irish fluently, with the number increasing to 56 percent among those aged between 18 and 25.
Almost half the Irish population claim to be fluent in the Irish language, according to a survey commissioned during Seactain na Gaeilge.
Just under half (47 percent) of those questioned said they could speak Irish fluently, with the number increasing to 56 percent among those aged between 18 and 25.
A little over three-quarters (78 percent) said they had spoken Irish during the last year, while five percent said they last spoke Irish for their Leaving Certificate.
The survey was conducted for travel company lastminute.com by research company iReach to coincide with Seachtain na Gaeilge and St Patrick’s Day. One thousand people throughout Ireland were interviewed.
The survey was conducted for travel company lastminute.com by research company iReach to coincide with Seachtain na Gaeilge and St Patrick’s Day. One thousand people throughout Ireland were interviewed.
According to the last official census, a total of 1,656,790 people claimed the ability to speak Irish.
And as the national stereotype of the drunken Irish drowning the shamrock gets another outing for St Patrick’s day, the survey also asked if Irish people had knowledge of foreign languages, measured by their ability to order a drink abroad.
According to the survey, 50 per cent know how to ask for a drink in three languages, and one in eight can order a pint in five or more languages.
Fonte: NewsWhip.ie
yo taba na cuenta que 20% o menos de la población falaba gaélico y que taben allugaos toos nes "Gaelstach" o daqué asina, les fasteres del Oeste,sudoeste y nordeste más les Islles Aran que caltenien el gaélicu. Eso sí como'l gaélicu yera obligatoriu pa ser funcionariu o pa estudiar na Universidá muncha población magar nun ser falante lu entendía.
ResponderEliminarEs verdad que más de la mitad de los irlandeses hablan regularmente el irlandés en sus vidas privadas y en la calle. Un ejemplo para muchas lenguas minoritarias y hasta perseguidas. Es el producto de unapoyo institucional durante los últimos años.
ResponderEliminarIs fíor go labhaíonn níos ná leath de mhuintir na hÉireann príobháideach agus ar an mionlaigh go leor agus géarleaniunt fiú. An bhfuil an táirge ar an tacaíocht institiúideach le blianta beaga anuas.
quería dicir Noroeste non nordeste.
ResponderEliminarGracies pola traducción del irlandés, ye un bon detalle, presta lleer un testu n'irlandés y comprendelu dafechu.
ResponderEliminarPerdonade, nun entendín ben a noticia (teño qu'aprender inglés, hehehe), ¿diz qu'a metá dos irlandeses tein a capacidá de falar gaélico con fluidez ou qu'a metá dos irlandeses fala gaélico cotidianamente?
ResponderEliminarcon fluidez
ResponderEliminarGracias, saoire Ulster :-)